The skin is our body's largest organ and our first line of defense against disease-causing invaders. It protects the body's soft tissue, yet also allows water and heat through, to help control body temperature. The skin is literally a living boundary that separates the inside of the body from the outside world.
It is best to visit the dermatologist once a year, more often if you have a history of skin cancer or active skin problems.
When you visit your doctor, arrive with educated questions:
- How much is enough sunscreen and what active ingredient should I look for?
- What are the signs of skin cancer and how often should I have my moles checked?
- How is my makeup affecting my skin?
- What can you tell me about the latest anti-aging products?
- What is the best way to treat visible sun damage?
- How will hormone replacement therapy or birth control affect my skin?
- How should I take care of my nails?
- Are self-tanners really safe and do you recommend them?
- What is the best facial cleansing routine for me?
- How should I take care of my hair if I perm or color-treat it?